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23 April 2011

Clarrington's Delivers an Egg-ceptional Egg-sperience

For four hours this afternoon the normally open and empty football field by the Sportshalle on Schlossplatz became a confusing maze littered with prize-holding Easter Eggs. Those who made it in and out of the hedged passageways were treated to tea and treats, including a sweet, fruity "flavored goo" called "Jell-o".

Salmon pinwheels, deviled eggs, fruity Jell-o and Clarrington's
signature croissants filled the buffet table.
The transformation was brought about entirely through the efforts, and at the expense, of Berlin's tireless promoter and talented baker Morganic Clarrington. Laboring through the night, Clarrington constructed a challenging maze of tall hedges and hid within it colorful eggs containing prizes ranging from a souvenir statuette of Bastet, the Egyptian cat goddess, to a gorgeous reproduction of a Czarist Faberge Easter egg. Anyone braving the maze was invited to keep anything they found.

Upon emerging, guests were treated to an open buffet stocked with treats from Berlin's finest bakery, hot tea and cold cocktails and champagne. An informal "silly hat" contest was staged, and by popular acclamation businesswoman Mable Ann Ashdene was declared the owner of "The Silliest Hat in Berlin" for her bird's nest and eggs. In appreciation of the solemn honor of the award, Ashdene promised to wear her award winning coif to Easter services tomorrow.

Berliners enjoy a spectacular spring afternoon outside the
Easter Maze constructed by Herr Clarrington.
An egg-ceptional egg-sperience was enjoyed by the large crowd of Berliners who were able to attend the eggs-hibit. It was generally agreed that the entire egg-sperience went over easy and that the sunny side up day made it an egg-celent way to spend the afternoon. A more egg-stensive egg-sample of civic egg-certion and egg-haustive attention to detail, or a more egg-spansive egg-sample of egg-sotic foods and egg-stravagant and egg-strodinary entertainment would be impossible to find.

As the sun set Petrus Endsleigh and Jo Yardly annoyed the neighbors with impromptu musical performances on guitar, clarinet and more. The BAZ congratulates Herr Clarrington on the success of his event, and thanks him for his many egg-zertions to make Berlin a better place for all.

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