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08 May 2011

Images of Chaos - Scenes from the 1 May "Riots"

Just prior to publication, it was learned that the "riots" were a huge fraud perpetrated upon the citizens of Berlin through collusion among the police, the KPD and the City. Nothing more than Street Theater, following a script and mutually agreed upon "rules of engagement" established for the enjoyment of the participants. For those who made any attempt to take it seriously, too bad, you were played the fool. We publish these staged images only out of respect for the photographers who were not "in" on the fix and labored to record and inform.

Fr. Haru Menna leads the KPD "crowd" down Friedrichstrasse in an
attempt to pass the Police checkpopint enroute to the Sportshalle.
(Photo by Crispen Sturges)

Police Armored Car
(BAZ Staff Photo)

An auto burns at Friedfrichstrasse and Mittelstrasse early in the day.
(BAZ Staff Photo)

A fearless, machine gun armed Oberwachtmeister Danitz faces down the
huge crowd of KPD rioters gathered in the streets below.
(Photo by Dora Mills)
Freidrichstrasse looking west from the Police checkpoint that was the scene
of most of the violence committed against innocent civilians.
(Photo by Dora Mills)

Police Oberwachtmeister Danitz mans the Friedrichstrasse checkpoint
after the initial confrontations had passed.
(Photo by Sabriel Warwillow)

KPD members offer a flag of truce.
(BAZ Staff Photo)

In stark contrast to the violent actions of the Police, the Naval Security
Forces performed with calm professionalism throughout the worst|
of the unrest.
(Photo by Sabriel Warwillow)
Hospital staff assist the injured after the Police rioted against the public.
 (Photo by Zeno McAuley)

The Hospital had to add extra beds to care for all the people
injured in the violence of 1 May. Over 95% of all victims received their
wounds at the hand of the Berlin City Police.
(Photo by Sabriel Warwillow)

Corpses littered the streets for three days.
(Photo by Sabriel Warwillow)

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