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08 May 2011

Police Say "Never Mind" to KPD Riot Suspects, Sacrifice Last Shred of Credibility

As though determined to prove wrong anyone who felt that the Police could not possibly do anything more to make their performance through last weeks faked riots even worse, the only two individuals arrested and charged with fomenting the troubles were released yesterday with a stern warning not to leave the city. Sniper Ellis Felicci told the BAZ that he had been released due to "lack of evidence", a claim that strains all credulity given the dozens of witnesses and published photographs that show him breaking, if nothing else, the public weapons law.

Oberwachtmeister Danitz, by now the very symbol of Police arrogance, incompetence and irresponsibility, apparently took it upon himself to release the prisoners without bothering to consult with a magistrate or anyone in the judiciary, sending the prisoners on their merry way because he "could not find a judge." Those arrested for traffic violations are allowed to languish in jail for weeks. Those accused and arrested for inciting violent riots by the very same police who now claim that no evidence of their guilt exists were detained barely 2 days.

If, in fact, the Police do not have any evidence that either Felicci or Menna are guilty of anything, then why were they arrested in the first place? And if the police never saw them commit any crime, why were their crimes used by the Police as the excuse for perpetrating such excessive violence upon the innocent and uninvolved citizens of Berlin? If the objective of the city and the police is to sacrifice all credibility and public trust, and turn the masses of people in the city against them, their performance is brilliant. If it is anything else, they have proven that their performance can be worse than anyone imagined possible.

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