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23 March 2011

Adlon to Host Charity Auction

The Adlon Hotel will open its exclusive doors to the general public this Saturday, March 26, 1929, as host to a Charity Auction to benefit "The 1920s Berlin Project". The event will begin at 1:00pm and will be held in the elegant Mirror Room and all members of the public, regardless of station or means, are invited to attend.

Businesses and shop owners throughout the city have donated an array of items from practical to precious, and there will surely be something of interest to everyone. Rumors are circulating that Sonatta Morales intends to create a unique and exclusive design just for this event. Anyone wishing to offer an item in support of the auction may still do so by sending a notecard describing the item and its estimated value to Frau Jo Yardley.

The organizers assure the public that this will be a rare opportunity to acquire some very unique items, while generously supporting our city.

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