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12 March 2011

First Town Meeting Raises Topics Pointless to Profound

The City of Berlin held the first of a planned series of "town meetings" today to allow residents, business owners and the general public to raise issues and concerns about the status, management and future direction of The 1920s Berlin Project Sim. The meeting was called to order a few minutes past noon at the Municipal Courthouse on the boulevard Under den Linden. Frau Jo Yardley chaired the meeting and responded to comments and questions from the dozen or so people in attendance. In general the atmosphere was informal and constructive.

After agreeing that the recent Mulack-Ritze affair was closed and that there was nothing more to say about it, a five minute discussion of the Mulack-Ritze affair ensued. This was quickly followed by a serious discussion of when the spring season would arrive but, no climatologists or meteorologists being on hand, the meeting then moved on to consider a number of substantive topics.

Prompted by several of the solicitations for donations around the city, Herr Patrick Asplund inquired as to the financial condition of the Sim, and exactly how "desperate" the situation was. Fr Yardley replied that "every Sim depends on donations" and "If the donation signs don't reach their goal for a while we will be in trouble. Luckily every house and shop is rented so so that helps. But without donations, eventually we will close down." The clear implication being that there was no "desperate" problem at the moment, but the Sim depends on continuing donations.

Frau Gewn Gwasi then requested "additional funding" for the Hindenberg School, so that additional classes might be offered. Various additional class offerings were suggested including fashion, nursing, medicine, physics, art and history. It was generally agreed that all this was beside the point without teachers and that if any came forward, additional classes could be added. No commitments were made regarding any additional funding.

Fr Yarley then announced the temporary closure of the Fischerstrasse Gentleman's Club due to a change in management. Apparently new lampposts are being installed, as these are seen as crucial to a thriving adult entertainment industry in the city. After a five minute discussion of the issue it was decided that this issue "isn't really a subject for the meeting".

Herr AldoCarlo Mills then announced that his wedding to Dora Duchamps had been scheduled for April 2nd at 15:00SLT, and expressed his hope that all their friends would attend.

The topic of how to attract more visitors to the Sim was raised several times, and suggestions ranged from establishing the El Dorado Club as a "modern" (i.e., not period) nightclub, giving away more free items, more readily available tour resources and creating a special "visitor" Group Tag. The one idea that seemed to gain traction was to have "a few 'relaxed rules' days" when the 1920s dress could would not be enforced for visitors. Fr Yardley agreed but emphasized that the ban on Nazi dress and paraphernalia would remain in effect at all times. It was generally agreed that increasing tourism was a great public good, and that more effort should be expended in that direction.

Other issues discussed were the cost of taxi permits and the possibility of establishing a Zeppelin tour service from a local aerodrome.

The meeting was adjourned at about 13:30 with the announcement that future meetings were planned on a monthly basis.

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