Munich is a NSDAP haven. Berlin is on its knees to the KPD. Meanwhile the Social Democrats and Democratic Party continue to pretend that both of these movements are fringe groups of no important to the future of Germany. On May 1, the KDP plans a series of marches and rallies in Berlin. This is their right. But where is the governing coalition? What in the name of god is the Reichstag doing? What do they even stand for, except being re-elected? If the present government continues to ignore challenges from both the left and the right it will soon suffer the same fate as the brief Russian democracy of 1917.
And yet politicians respond instantly to what the voters demand of them. It is convenient to blame the Deputies for all that is not well. But so long as the voters look only to tomorrow and not the the real future of our nation, we will simply march down the same path as communist Russia or fascist Italy. The KPD has an absolute right to march on May 1. But it will lead to scuffles and violence with the NSDAP. And in the meantime, our government pretends that these two popular movements have no real importance.
Why doesn't the government organize its own demonstrations and give the majority of Germans who support a middle ground the opportunity to express themselves. And why don't the voters do so themselves? If they do not, they will soon regret their lost opportunity to do so at all.
Why not make May 1 "common sense" day?
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